Sunday, October 28, 2012

I Must Get Up!!

"I failed, I failed, I fell in such a way....I fell into such depression that I couldn't speak and be seen with people. I went to the yeshiva and I lay in the synagogue in the yeshiva, there was a yeshiva and also a synagogue, I lay in the synagogue like a dead person, not speaking not eating, like a dead person... and the students of the yeshiva, this synagogue, the students of the yeshiva, whoever entered the synagogue and saw Yisroel Ber lying in such depression that was frightening......Such depression?! Even if someone transgressed the whole Torah, such depression?! In any event I had great pain, and I was under great duress....."
"I did what I did, but I want to repent, heal me, and take me out of this predicament, from this depression"
Saba prays, and Hashem gives him the petek..
I started to dance in my room, and the yeshiva, they learned in the yeshiva and they said that he – the crazy one – has become happy... he has become happy, but he is dancing. So all of them came into my room and they saw the... such a thing, that I am dancing... I am not asking them, I am dancing and so happy... they were negated... they took me out of the room like... yes, and they stood in a circle and I was in the center, and I danced several hours into the night... and they became tired. They stood a long time like this... so they said, “he will not tire, he will tire us out, we don't have any more strength!” So they went, and I danced alone. In any event, this is something that is impossible to describe, to tell over the matter of depression that I had and the happiness... and such happiness!... and I didn't have a cure, in contradistinction to the depression I came into such happiness, and I had a cure for my whole life.
Tzadik, Tzadik, Tzadik, Tzadik, Tzadik, Tzadik, Tzadik!!!!!!!!!!! How do you know if you are a Tzadik? When you fall down to a very low level, and you get up , and get up, and get up, and get up, and get up, and get up, and get up, and get up, and get up, and get up, and get up, and get up, and get up, and get up, and get up, and get up, and get up, and get up, and get up, and get up, and get up, and get up, and get up, H’ doesn't care how many times you fall, it's how many time you get up that is what is most important !!! You get up and get out of there, and fight to reach for a high level then you are a Tzadik!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have to get up Tzadik! Why? Because you have 2 nephashot and 1 of them comes from H’, and we can't make His face get shy, never ever Tzadik!!! We have the power!!!!!! We are H"s children we never give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By moshe beyerushalaim
Every time that I underwent a difficulty, issues that people transpire, falling or downs, then immediately I took the Petek and read, then already there was a healing....
Alright, Im up... here we go.. Time to start over and try again. You think by now I would be getting good at this... LOL.
Love ya all,

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Mad World (warning this may offend some people)

I first started writing this blog in hopes of expressing the ups and downs, the back and fourth..., the on and off of one wanting to convert to Judaism. To bring whats on the inside outside. For others who are expierencing the same thing as well as for support and to simply express myself. But now I am in a place, where I don't want to dissapoint those who have supported me or been pleased with me, or to ruin friendships which I have formed...This very Much reminds me of, my past expierences working in the xan churches. People just wanted to keep the church or "tythe givers happy". At any cost! Even with-holding the truth! I very much was disturbed by this thinking and in a sense I find myself doing the very same thing. Of course money is not invovled here, but things much more preacious. To put oneself out there, can be very hard. People are so quick to judge one another, and so one really never knows what others reactions maybe. But....

"Truth is often gray, and deceit is full of splendor."
-Heschel, Abraham Joshua  A Passion for Truth -
"Truth is not a feeling, a mere thought. Truth confronts us as a behest, an insistent summons, austere, uncompromising. Are we able to respond to it in the recesses of our souls?"
-Heschel, Abraham Joshua  A Passion for Truth -
"To live without deception presupposes standards beyond the reach of most people, whose existence is largely shaped by compromise, evasion, and mutual accommodation. Could they face their weakness, their vanity and selfishness, without a mask" (AJH). And so hear I will attempt to do just that.
I am very confused... I have sought so very long and hard... I have wasted the last 10 years of my life in search for Hashem... The Torah says seek and you will find.. But I am seeking... I have sought.. with all of my life.. at the expense of my family..., I have spared nothing.
After Years of searching, I believed I have found what I was looking for.. But inside I am not so sure it fits... So what is it that I am looking for to fit? I dunno? Somthing just isn't right? Does G-d really care if we say the right blessings at the right time? Does he really care weather we grow out our beards? Is it possible to really subscribe ourselves to believe things of that which we do not believe? "When a man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind, as to subscribe his professional belief to things he does not believe, he has prepared himself for the commission of every other crime."(Thomas Paine).  I honestly think we think we believe these dogmas that our spoon fed to us... but alot of times when we really ask ourselves do I really believe this, or that? We find the answer is no! But we force ourselves to believe things we really do not believe... Does he really want us to repeat prayers daily that others wrote that don't even pour from our hearts? Can we really not eat meat and cheese together? Or drive a car saturday? Can I really not be a Jew because my wife and kids don't want too? Why all this time I call out and hear nothing in reply?
Do not be misled my friends... I am NOT denying the faith! Only struggling! Only seeking the truth? As these pics I have used above show, I am deeply troubled and my soul is in deep anguish... GOD IF YOU ARE THERE, THEN WHY WILL YOU NOT HELP ME? WHY NOT TELL ME ANYTHING? ANSWER ME!!?? I AM SEEKING YOU? HELP!
Please watch this video at the link below..
All around me are familiar facesWorn out places, worn out facesBright and early for the daily racesGoing nowhere, going nowhere
Their tears are filling up their glassesNo expression, no expressionHide my head I wanna drown my sorrowNo tomorrow, no tomorrow
And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sadThe dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever hadI find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to takeWhen people run in circles its a very, veryMad world, mad world
Children waiting for the day they feel goodHappy birthday, happy birthdayAnd I feel the way that every child shouldSit and listen, sit and listen
Went to school and I was very nervousNo one knew me, no one knew meHello teacher tell me, what's my lesson?Look right through me, look right through me
And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sadThe dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever hadI find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to takeWhen people run in circles its a very, veryMad world, mad world, enlarging your worldMad world

Your very Honestly
ps. to all of you who have supported me, please don't give up on me or take offense to anything said, If I offended anyone I am so sorry. Not my intention. I just want Hashem! I am seeking no ones truth, ONLY HIS!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Climbing Mountains and Riding Roller Coasters

"Moshe (Moses) ascended Mount Sinai to receive the Torah and bring it back to the Jews in order to teach them the word of the living G-d. Why was it necessary for Moshe to climb a mountain to receive the Torah? Couldn't the Torah have been given by some other means? The fact that all of Israel watched Moshe climb up Mount Sinai on his way to receive the Torah and the fact that this was recorded in the Torah for all future generations to read, teaches us that coming close to Hashem and attaining true Torah values have something to do with climbing mountains"
"Rav Noson cautions that when a person is worthy to have a spiritual elevation, the great light that it creates causes the forces of evil to attack with greater ferocity, just as happened to the holy men mentioned above. This can cause a person to fall soon after he attains a measure of spiritual growth. Rav Noson says that even if one has fallen tens of thousands of times, after every spiritual climb, he should totally ignore the falls and continue to observe as many commandments as he can. No matter what has happened, he should continue to do whatever he can to serve Hashem. The main thing is just not to allow one's spiritual ups and downs to let him fall completely away from Hashem. Hashem expects a person to fall on a regular basis, and does not hold one accountable for this. However, Hashem does require that one should not totally give up completely, when a fall does occur. Then, one may ask, what purpose is there in trying to come closer to Hashem, if in the end he will fall away? Rav Noson answers that after all the spiritual ups and downs, a portion of the light that one accessed during his ascent remains with him, accumulating in his soul. That accumulated light eventually empowers him to rise above the filth of this world and merit the hereafter."
Concerning the spiritual ups and downs of life, King Solomon wrote, "Do not be overly righteous, neither make yourself overly wise, why should you destroy yourself?" [Through one's excessive righteousness, he generates too much light, far beyond his current level. His inability to condense that immense light into protective vessels within his mind leaves him an open target to the attacks by the forces of evil, which attempt to destroy him] (Eccl. 7:16) The next verse addresses the opposite situation, when one has the expected fall after attaining a higher level: "Do not be overly wicked. [If you have fallen into sin, do not give up the ways of Hashem entirely. To fall is expected, it happens to everyone.] You should neither be foolish [and sin even more than you already have]. Why should you die before your time [and throw away everything? Making a person feel that since he already sinned, he might as well sin more is a common trick of the forces of evil.] (Eccl. 7:17) (Lekutai Halachot: Orach Chaim: Hilchot Netelas Ya'die'yim Shachris 4:13-14, 16)
That Moshe brought down the Torah from Mount Sinai, most people take for granted. However, it was an act which required great skill, courage, and daring, and was not so easily accomplished. One reason why this incident is recorded in the Torah is to illustrate to every person, that everyday of our lives, we ascend and descend our own personal Mount Sinai, which like Moshe's original climb and descent, is no easy task. The episode's main point is that we will always have ups and downs throughout our lives, successes and failures. Rabbi Nachman teaches that we should disregard everything negative that happens and retain our firm commitment to continue on the path that leads to Hashem, everything else is just a diversion created by the evil inclination. Rabbi Nachman emphasized that no one, not even the greatest Tzaddikim (saints), has a smooth and straight path to reach Hashem, to reach the greatest possible Good. Therefore, as Moshe's climb up Mount Sinai illustrates, nothing should ever deter us from climbing the Mountain of Hashem, as the verse says, "Who may ascend the mountain of Hashem [who wishes to attain spiritual elevation and come close to Hashem]?..One who has...a pure heart [who is determined that no matter what happens, even if he committed the worst of sins, he will never be diverted from coming close to Hashem. Amen]!" (Psalms 24:

Well things are at a low, but this is ok. Much like a roller coaster which we all know must first go up and then comes down! I found myself very much in a high, a honey moon high with nanach! The honey moon has ended and the high has fallen back to normal, and now I find Here I am..
Very much the same as before.., Only with many good friends, and the knowledge of the True Tzaddik! I have been moving at lightening speed, and at such a speed one should be careful one does not leave behind all that G-d has put in ones care. However moving to slow we can find ourselves in a stalemate! Which we definitly do not want either. One must move at the proper speed at the proper time. I have often used the word roller coaster to describe my spiritual life. But if you stop and think about it, a roller coaster moves very fast, with lots of twist and turns along the way. But there is also times when a roller coaster moves very slow such on his way up to the top! The idea here is  a roller coaster moves at exactly the right speed all the time! To do exactly what it was made to do. And by nothing other then faith I must believe that this also is true for my life! And in this I must continue to do the same thing, to move at the right speed at the right time. Where ever we go, Here we are! G-d is in absolute control! I must believe! So many times did I read Sabas words Only by faith! To all of you who have me on this path. Thank You. With the deepest thanks. May G-d bless you and return to you all you blessings 10 fold!

Yours Truly

Thursday, October 18, 2012


The most well known martyr is Rabbi Akiva, who was raked over his skin with iron combs. Despite the pain consuming him, he was still able to proclaim God's providence in the world by reciting the Shema, drawing out the final Echad - "One".

Well it has been a Journey! And the Journey continues! I don't know what I am doing! But I am following Rabbi Nachman and praying daily for conversion! My friend Yosef Saban gave me great advice! Never Give Up! Death First!

So I will say I will never give up! Death First! And in my dying breath may I be worthy to say; as Rabbi Akiva and so many others:

Shema  Yisroel,  Adonai  Eloheinu,  Adonai   Echad! 



Saturday, October 13, 2012

Be Yourself!

The text reads: "Walk before me and be perfect." However, the Hebrew reads "hitalekh lifanai ve'heyeh tamim." The Hebrew "tam" is not generally used to imply "perfect" but "innocent, simple, pure, whole-hearted, complete." A more accurate interpretation would be "Walk before me and be whole." And that cannot be a command, but an expression of what will happen: "if you (Abraham, or any one of us) would walk in God's ways, we would be complete."
A Hassidic story tells us that before his death Rabbi Zusya said, "In the world to come, they will not ask me: 'Why were you not Moses' they will ask me: 'Why were you not Zusya?'" How many of us try to become people other than ourselves, set for ourselves goals based on images of masculinity or beauty that are external and modeled by others?
People are often perplexed by the accounts of the biblical heroes, all of whom are imperfect. In order to save his life, Abraham hides the fact that Sarah is his wife. He easily accepts Sarah's demand that he expel Hagar and Ishamel (whose birth was caused by Sarah's own encouragement)! Isaac easily goes along with his father's intention to sacrifice him and plays along with his own son Jacob's ruse of getting the paternal blessing. On and on. The answer, of course, is that the biblical characters are depicted as fully human (like you and I) not angels, or "gods."

No one expects us to be perfect. Sometimes we are confused by the English translations of Biblical texts. For example, in Genesis (17:1) it appears as though God commands Abraham to be perfect. The text reads: "Walk before me and be perfect." However, the Hebrew reads "hitalekh lifanai ve'heyeh tamim." The Hebrew "tam" is not generally used to imply "perfect" but "innocent, simple, pure, whole-hearted, complete." A more accurate interpretation would be "Walk before me and be whole." And that cannot be a command, but an expression of what will happen: "if you (Abraham, or any one of us) would walk in God's ways, we would be complete."

One of the kids' favorite books that I'd read to them in Hebrew was by Shel Silverstein, "The Missing Piece Meets the Big O." In it a little wedge-shaped piece imagines that it is the missing piece of some other "thing." That it needs to fit into another being in order to be whole and move in the world. Some fit, but can't move, others have too many chunks missing from them.... Eventually the "Missing Piece" learns that it can reshape itself -- round its corners -- and is actually whole and able to move in the world.

We often feel that we are broken and unable to move. The brokenness is understandable and real, but, what we do with our broken selves depends on us. Ernest Hemingway said, "Life breaks all of us, yet many of us are strong in the broken place." Novelists, like Hemingway, tell stories with beginnings, middles and ends... a clear trajectory that the writer constructs to make sure the story has meaning. But our lives are lived in the flow of history with many overlapping beginnings, middles and endings and no single trajectory. We have to find and make the meaning for our own lives.

The story is told of a king who had a wonderful jewel. He would gaze on it often, wondering at its beauty. One day, something startled him and he dropped the jewel causing it to fall. As he picked it up from the hard stone floor the king noticed that the jewel now had a deep crack in it. He sent messengers out to find a craftsman who could repair it, but, no one came forward. Finally after a very long search he found an old jeweler who said he could repair the jewel, but, that the king would have to promise to give him free reign in his work. With no other options, the king assented. The old craftsman set up his workshop and worked continuously for many days (taking time off for Shabbat). Finally he emerged and showed the king the jewel. There in the jewel, the old man had worked the lines of the crack into the pattern of an exquisite flower that appeared deep inside the precious stone. The king gasped and realized that the crack itself had led to the jewel becoming even more precious.

Yet another story of a crack.

This one was of a simple man who walked every day from his home to the stream with a pole across his broad shoulders and two buckets hanging one from each side. He walked down to the stream, filled the two buckets and walked back up to his house and there emptied the buckets into a large basin from which the family drew water through the day. However, one of the buckets had a crack in it and every day the man had only one and a half buckets of water to pour into the basin. Day after day, this went on. Eventually - late at night after everyone had fallen asleep - the cracked bucket spoke to the man: "I am embarrassed that every day I only bring half the amount of water needed for the basin. Please get rid of me and get a new, whole, unbroken bucket." The next morning the man took his buckets down to the stream. As he did, he spoke to the cracked bucket. "Why do you feel so bad about yourself? Do you see this path we walk every day? One side of it has flowers growing along it, the other side is barren. I knew about your crack -- what you have considered a flaw. Because of your crack, I planted flowers along that side of the path from which you hang. Every day, as I walked back from the stream you have watered these flowers... flowers that we have cut to beautify our simple home. If you did not have a crack, or, if I was to get rid of you and get another bucket without a crack I would need to make special arrangements to water our flowers. I appreciate you because of your crack."
All of the above I did not write, this was copied from this website;
This however is a word from me, Be yourself!
 "A Hassidic story tells us that before his death Rabbi Zusya said, "In the world to come, they will not ask me: 'Why were you not Moses' they will ask me: 'Why were you not Zusya?'" How many of us try to become people other than ourselves, set for ourselves goals based on images of masculinity or beauty that are external and modeled by others?"
I cannot begin to say of how often I have found myself trying to do this same thing! Trying to be others, Great tzaddiks and the like? But Hashem speaks! He says, I already have Moses, I don't need Moses, I need you!
 "We each have a role to play. And no role is more important then any other role, there just roles in the drama... Now the issue of love, Its important the distinction be made between the verb love which takes a object. And the being, the state of being which is love. Your afraid that if you don't try to be loving you'll be awful. But the fact is behind loving and awfulness we are. And where we are is love."
 Life is a journey, and each moment is are destination! We are here now in each moment on this journey, and where we are is exatctly where we should be. G-d wants us to be ourselves. Not someone else. This message seems very universal. I think we all need to stop and ask ourselves, Am I being real with myself? Am I being me? Or someone else?
What is it I believe? Who am I? How can I best serve G-d being who I am, from where I am at? Thomas paine wrote this;
"But it is necessary to the happiness of man, that he be mentally faithful to himself. Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. It is impossible to calculate the moral mischief, if I may so express it, that mental lying has produced in society. When a man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind, as to subscribe his professional belief to things he does not believe, he has prepared himself for the commission of every other crime. He takes up the trade of a priest for the sake of gain, and, in order to qualify himself for that trade, he begins with a perjury. Can we conceive anything more destructive to morality than this?"

 So whoever you are, wherever you are, whatever you believe.., Serve G-d, Be yourself, whoever that self truly is.

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Struggles of G-d I have Waged


All the more so, when a person begins to pity himself and senses his poverty and lacking in good deeds, and argues with G-d and beseeches Him to draw him close to His service, and pours out his heart before Him with weeping and pleading, how very precious is such a prayer in the eyes of G-d, more than all the prayers in the world, even though the person has prayed and done hitbodedut for a long time, and it appears to him that he has not had effect at all, nevertheless, not a single word is lost, and all of them are noted, counted and stored in G-d’s treasuries. And even though it is impossible for a person in a physical body to know if he has had effect with his service of G-d or not, and even if all his life he only had one hairsbreadth of effect, this is also more precious than all of the life of this world. Therefore, one needs to strengthen oneself in this very much, beyond measure. And when one will be determined in it, in the aspect of “The struggles of G-d I have waged,” then certainly in the end one will merit to actualize his request and draw close to G-d in truth,
-Hishtapchut HaNefesh -
It is very good to know this. That my prayers are heard, even if it doesn't seem so. And in the end, Hashem will actualize my request. It has been hard. I have not been as stubburn in hitbodedut as I should be. I am up again though, Ready for the next round. Hashem give me strength! But the great thing above, is that this is for all of us.., Not just me, but you too, whoever you are, whatever your going through.., we must strengthen ourselves! Hishtapchut HaNefesh says "But the primary stubbornness needs to be especially in prayer and supplication, and above all else, in the discussions of hitbodedut." So whatever it is you (reader) or I am going through.. We can do it! We must pour out our hearts to Hashem and be stubburn about doing so! Never despairing! Never! Here is some other good quotes about hitbodedut;
"Those who are accustomed to do hitbodedut, they are protected from all trouble and enemies and attackers, for they take refuge in the shadow of G-d’s wings at all times."
-Hishtapchut HaNefesh -
"Through hitbodedut, one dwells securely."
-Hishtapchut HaNefesh -
 "Thus, through the reciting of Tehillim and hitbodedut, everything is repaired.."
-Hishtapchut HaNefesh -
Oh yes, real quick does anyone remember what Saba called Hishtapchut HaNefesh? "The Holy of Holies". So if its in Hishtapchut HaNefesh. I would say you can bet your life on it!  
Your loving friend Yaakov

Sunday, October 7, 2012

This is the Light, that Illuminates the World!

"I have no connection to the world. I am simply pouring out my heart before G-d in hisbodedus."
Well my friends, It has been awhile since my last post. I have been all over the place, ups and downs have taken me hostage. The downs have blackend both eyes, and left my face swolen. My legs as if they have been weighed down by quicksand. Every step requires much effort. I cant breathe, I cant move... My heart pounds and I grow tired. Tired of the fight...tired... to go on... the ups that come so quick, quickly drop me on my head... I screaming out Saba!!! Saba!!! Help me up, please so I can reach Hashem! And out of the darkness, in the stillness of that thick black nothingness, a faint light appears, it sounds in my ear..
"I have no connection to the world. I am simply pouring out my heart before G-d in hisbodedus."
This is the light, that illuminates the world!
Where shall I go from Your spirit, and where shall I flee from Your presence?    If I ascend to the heavens, there You are, and if I make my bed in the grave, behold, You are there.  [If] I take up the wings of dawn, [if] I dwell at the end of the west,   . There too, Your hand will lead me, and Your right hand will grasp me.

Your very good and dear friend
-Tehillim 139:7-10-


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

“Through prayer one can reach everything.."

“Through prayer one can reach everything.."
Rebbe Nachman
So ok some of you know my situation, some don't some for those of you who don't let me fill you in. In my last post I talked of be in a good place and just trying to keep extra mitzvot etc... I have been trying very hard to be balanced. Here is the thing, I don't want to just keep extra mitzvot! I want to be a Jew! A Jew! I want Hashem! The closet possible way! I want to share in the convenent! But what am I to do? I don't want to leave my family? I don't believe Hashem would want that! I want to convert and it feels as if Hashem is pulling me in that direction! But how can Hashem be telling me to opposite things? When they cannot co-exist together? I dunno... been alot going on with me latley. I feel like a roller coaster of emotions from day to day, hour to hour and even minute to minute! But I read this today in the book Saba refered to as Holy of Holies "Histapchut HaNefesh",
  •  For the main point of Judaism is total simplicity and innocence, without any sophistication, as we have explained many times.
  • “Through prayer one can reach everything, to all the good: Torah and service and all holiness and all forms of service and all the good in all the worlds.”
Also a friend responded in a email I sent him about a similuar somwhat relatated subject and he had this to say,
"maybe what is in your control is to at least try to remember that Hashem wants you to try to serve Him with happiness with who you are right now and where you are right now. This is exactly what Rabbi Nachman says! He told this to one of his followers who was all alone living among Gentiles. Hashem put you there for a reason. Therefore you can serve Him from there!" & "Hashem wants our effort. The outcome is not in our hands. The effort is the main thing."
I know this is probabaly defintly right, but I want more. Even if I can serve Hashem from here how can I serve him so far away, when all I want is to be close? Great advice from a friend. Hard to apply when I want Hashem so much more.. but one cannot be Holy over night... it takes time and patience.. Hashem give me the patience to wait!
And most of all help to learn; “Through prayer one can reach everything, to all the good: Torah and service and all holiness and all forms of service and all the good in all the worlds".
I love you all nanachs! Hashem's presence dwell upon you!
Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!