Sunday, March 3, 2013

Slay the Evil Inclination

I see that the main point is self-sacrifice for G-d, for the Torah. Wisdom is also good, but the main point, the basis, the main point of Judaism, of the Torah – is self-sacrifice, the strength of will!
The main thing is the will, and not to fall, that is the main thing. Not to despair and not to fall, only to renew oneself at all times. To start anew. To draw close to G-d in truth, with all one’s strength. To overcome with great determination.
I saw that the main point is dependent on the heart, according to the will –
Keeping your mind intently focused on your goal can also help you in studying the Torah. For example, you could focus intently on the thought that you want to complete all four sections of the Shulchan Aruch . You could calculate that if you study five pages every day you could complete all four sections in a single year. Picture in your mind exactly how you will go about this course of study. Concentrate so strongly that you are literally obsessed with the thought.
The same approach can also be applied to other studies, such as the Bible or the Talmud and its commentaries. If your desire is strong and your concentration sufficiently intense, your plans will be accomplished.
Sichot Haran #62
This to me seems can be very applicable to our Yetzer Hara.  I believe honestly that the greatest battle any of us will ever fight is the battle fought within. Saba says "I see that the main point is self-sacrifice for G-d, for the Torah. Wisdom is also good, but the main point, the basis, the main point of Judaism, of the Torah – is self-sacrifice, the strength of will!". The strength of will. It seems so hard but it can be done. we must strengthen ourselves and slay the evil Inclination!!

So many times I find myself falling, and so I get up everyday, and start over only to fall again!! But we must get up.. and keep trying and starting over everyday...

The main thing is the will, and not to fall, that is the main thing. Not to despair and not to fall, only to renew oneself at all times. To start anew. To draw close to G-d in truth, with all one’s strength. To overcome with great determination.
It is a battle we must fight, if not it is a battle without a doubt we will lose! We must care! We must strive, we must chop the head off this yetzer hara! We must keep the torah, and fight to keep it everyday, and when we fall we must get up, and if we do finally, finally with Gods help, we WILL SLAY THE EVIL INCLINATION!
I believe the story of David and Goliath can definitly be also a representive of the giant task we face overcoming the evil inclination. But with faith in G-d and strengthing of will we can overcome it, we can win.
G-d be with us all. Nn!


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